She shapes the fabric: Women lead the charge in Sri Lanka’s apparel industry transformation

[Lanka Business News] - 03/9/2025

In the heart of Sri Lanka’s bustling apparel sector, where fabrics are woven into garments that travel the world, a quieter revolution is taking place. This revolution isn’t marked by grand speeches or flashy headlines. This transformation isn’t driven by grand speeches or flashy headlines. It (…)


In Sri Lankan newspapers

Elephant Pass salt factory to be opened to the public on March 26, 2025
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‘Invest Sri Lanka’ Investor Forum in Colombo on 27th and 28th March to Woo Foreign Investors.
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[Lanka Business News] - 9/03/2025
WCIC Celebrates 40 Years of Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka.
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[FT] - 10/03/2025
She shapes the fabric: Women lead the charge in Sri Lanka’s apparel industry transformation
In the heart of Sri Lanka’s bustling apparel sector, where fabrics are woven into garments that travel the world, a (…)
[Lanka Business News] - 9/03/2025
SLT-Mobitel unveils ‘The National Business Directory’ 2024/25
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Finagle wins two awards at National Industry Brand Excellence
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[FT] - 10/03/2025