President of Uzbekistan to pay visit to Kuwait
[AKIpress] - 02/16/2025
In Tajik newspapers
2,000 Tien Shan spruce seedlings planted on Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart highway in Kemin district
[AKIpress] - 16/02/2025
Import of goods from European countries to Kyrgyzstan decreases by 23% in 2024
[AKIpress] - 16/02/2025
Gallbladder surgery with laparoscope performed in At-Bashy district for first time
[AKIpress] - 16/02/2025
Алафчой барои сардард
Омӯзгори синфҳои ибтидоӣ ҳастам. Маълум аст, ки дарс додан дар мактаб басо душвор аст, зеро сол то сол бачаҳо шӯхтар (…)
[Tajikistan times] - 16/02/2025
Book about lives of 150 Manas epic tellers to be presented at Manas National Theater
[AKIpress] - 16/02/2025