Ambassador of Kuwait presents credentials to President of Mongolia
[AKIpress] - 02/21/2025
In Tajik newspapers
Устодони ДМТ аз Кувайт се медал: 2 тилло ва 1 нуқра оварданд
Се устоди Донишгоҳи миллии Тоҷикистон дар Форуми ихтироъкорони Ховари Миёна иштирок ва соҳиби се медал: 2 тилло ва 1 (…)
[Tajikistan times] - 21/02/2025
Cabinet Chairman suggests dismissal of governors of 7 districts of Kyrgyzstan
[AKIpress] - 21/02/2025
XVII Annual International Mongolian Studies Conference takes place in Washington
[AKIpress] - 21/02/2025
Chief coach of national football team of Kyrgyzstan (U20) fired after Asian Cup
[AKIpress] - 21/02/2025
Cabinet Chairman instructs Construction Ministry to check 100 enterprises launched in 2024
[AKIpress] - 21/02/2025